NibbleNet ® Premium Double-Nibble Slow N Slower
This is our new NibbleNet ® "Double-Nibble" which means your horse can "nibble" from either side of the bag!
The Double-Nibble is super heavy duty bag and the toughest bag on the market!! (We highly recommend this bag for use on round pen corral panels and high stress areas)
Sizes: 30" Tall x 22" Wide
Offered in 8" Deep or 12"Deep
Both sizes available with either 2" x 1.5" openings, 1.5" x 1.25" openings or 1.25" x 1.00" openings.
The quality and construction is exactly the same as that of all our other bags.
The side panels are vinyl and are available in black.
This is the toughest bag we make!!
As with all Premium products,
All D-rings on the Double-Nibble bags are stainless steel
40 ounce vinyl
Our NibbleNet ® is a 1" webbing grid of holes which is very different from 1" string or rope net hay bags.
For example, with a string hay bag with 1" holes, the horse can still grab hay on both sides of the string making it easier for the horse to get the hay.
With our NibbleNet ®, the horse must pull the hay through the webbing hole making it more difficult and slowing the horse down more.
We only recommend the 1.25" or 1.00" openings for a well seasoned slow-feeder horse, pony or mini.
Fair warning: The 1" openings are extremely small! This is why we only offer the 1.25" / 1.00" combination.
***Please observe your horse and remember that safety is paramount with our beloved equines***
The NibbleNet ® is extremely safe and durable. Please take care in how you secure any bag or any object around horses.